Why Slatwall is one of the most aesthetically pleasing storage systems.

2 min read

One of the best ways to store and display products is to use a Slatwall. Slatwall is a neat system where a panel of either wood or PVC has grooves cut into it. This is then mounted to a wall. Shelving units are then slotted into the slats giving you a very nice looking storage arrangement. One of the best examples can be seen by the best Slatwall providers such as https://www.rackzone.ie/storage-organisation/slatwall-6. They can provide professional help, guidance and installation so that your shop or home gets the finish it needs.

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The beauty of this system is that not only is it very strong, it also looks good. It is also offered as a service point of general storage in utility or craft rooms. One of the best places for it is in the garage as an organising area. Another of its positives is that it is easily adaptable. The shelves are simplicity itself to take out and rearrange to the size of what you want to store and what the products demand of it.

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One of the most popular places the slatwall storage system is used is in retail. It is a great way for a shop to display it’s wares without actually using the slightly crass traditional shelving of metal. It also opens up the possibility of using more of the wallspace to sell to the customer.

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